How to Help Brilliant People Shine in Your Law Firm’s Office

How to Help Brilliant People Shine in Your Firm’s Office Working in any office, there are hundreds of interruptions to distract you every day. The average worker is sidetracked every 3 minutes from the task at hand and checks emails 30 times an hour. That’s a lot of distraction. Then there’s the time spent looking…

The three immutable rules for evaluating web-based technology for lawyers

The three rules for evaluating web-based technology offerings to lawyers are infallible and immutable. 1.    If the language is highfaluting, then it probably requires consultants to install, initiate, and maintain. 2.    If you can’t understand the value proposition, there isn’t one. 3.    If they don’t show their prices, you can’t afford it. Any questions?

A Perfect Pleading in One Minute or Less

We continue to be awed by the inspiring stories from users of our software about the time, effort, and errors saved, the stress reduced, and, once or twice, the businesses rescued by their mastery of TheFormTool or Doxserá. Yesterday’s comment from a global wealth management firm that using Doxserá coupled with 100% best practices had…