We are honored and delighted to work in what we think of as the intellectual productivity space with some of the best firms in the world. Of the dozens of firms with which we work on a regular basis, we are especially pleased to recognize the relatively few special companies with which we formally partner, firms we can unreservedly recommend to you.


Colorado Bar Association

Colorado Bar Association

The mission of the Colorado Bar Association is to improve the quality of its members’ legal practice, to support and improve the justice system, and to support the community through voluntary and educational endeavors.

COBAR provides TheFormTool PRO as a benefit to its members.

The Florida Bar

The Florida Bar

The Florida Bar strives to inculcate in its members the principles of duty and service to the public, to improve the administration of justice, and to advance the science of jurisprudence.

Flobar provides TheFormTool PRO as a benefit to its members.

Forms Creators

(The majority of our experts seek certification for standing within their employer firms and do not accept assignments. These do.)

The FormMakers, LLC

The team at The FormMakers, LLC have more than eight years’ experience working with TheFormTool software, everything from TheFormTool PRO to Aurora. In recent years they have been selected by management at TheFormTool, LLC to create all of the intelligent forms they use in its daily operations.

The FormMakers specializes in working with customers looking to start libraries of intelligent forms, to build them using forward-looking best practices to “get it right” from the start.

They work with customers to select the forms with the greatest potential return, selecting the low hanging fruit that will produce the fastest return for the dollars and time invested. They help estimate the potential upside of each form by considering its probable productivity: the time saved, value produced, compliance achieved, and improved customer experience delivered.

Their team prefers to work with three to five forms at a time in order to create a solid basis for suggesting a lexicon of standard terms for the firm, and they quote every job on a fixed fee basis only. They build forms that will suit the customer’s needs and capabilities.

They include appropriate text, video, or classroom instructions and explanations for both Users and future Authors so that the customer can maintain or modify its forms as it wishes. They do this on a fixed-fee basis so there are no surprises and their fees are always less than in-house development costs.

email: info@theformmakers.com


Get Smart Docs

Using TheFormTool’s software, Get Smart Docs converts and automates your existing documents or creates new smart automated documents. During the development phase they use granular controls to build and optimize intelligent document assembly systems for everyday users and functions. Employing both a robust framework and thoughtful workflow, GSD lays out a management system which fits perfectly with productivity software from TheFormTool.

Over past decades Erminio Van Malleghem, CCID, GSD’s Business Workflow and Document Automation Developer and resident Doxserá DB® expert, has built custom business databases for many user-levels and across a variety of industries. The projects can evolve into complex, rule driven databases to track, manage and operate every aspect of a business.

GSD’s team are experts on databases and secure connectivity, as stored database information is of no use without system-wide, real-time usefulness. Using Doxserá DB® GSD is able to blend the best technologies to provide cutting edge results. Your employees will get more done with every keystroke and help your organization to improve productivity, eliminate errors and reduce costs.

Erminio’s excitement and enthusiasm springs from the power and limitless solutions Doxserá DB® provides.

Erminio is a 2016 graduate of TheFormTool’s intense expert certification course, CCID. He serves customers around the world from GSD’s offices in Florida.

email: ecvm@getsmartdocs.com

t:  (407) 494-6016


Brilliant Docs

Brilliant Docs’ principal Stephen Crute has created intelligent forms for professionals and information workers around the world, saving them time, money, and errors. Stephen brings to the table an academic research background and over 25 years of business experience writing complex technical and financial documents. He is experienced with and well-equipped to accept highly complex or large projects and to provide a professional and cost-effective solution, generally on the basis of a quoted fixed-fee.

Stephen has previously spent 25 years in consultancy business and is aware of the need for smart documents which meet or exceed your client expectations. He believes that the power of intelligent documents lies not only in saving time and costs but also allowing specialists and experts to focus their efforts on adding value to reports and documents.

Stephen is a 2017 graduate of TheFormTool’s intense expert certification course, CCID. He serves customers from his offices in the U.K.

email: stephen@brilliantdocs.com

Skype: stephencrute6140


DocAssembly Guru

DocAssembly Guru takes the documents you are already using and converts them to document assembly templates using either HotDocs,® or TheFormTool PRO™ or Doxserá.® Then, by answering a few questions, a completely accurate Microsoft Word® document is created with all the appropriate text in the proper places.

Bill Cutchin, the proprietor of DocAssembly Guru, former banker, executive, attorney, and HotDocs® developer, is a 2015 graduate of TheFormTool’s intense expert certification course and is a Certified Creator: Intelligent Documents. Bill is the author of User’s & Administrator’s Guide to TheFormTool PRO, Doxserá, and Doxserá DB, available on Amazon.

email: bill@docassembly.guru

t: 850.980.4365





Acrodex is a premier provider of strategic IT services designed specifically for large-enterprise and mid-tier organizations. Our solution-based services are founded on mature internal competencies in technology provisioning, enterprise software licensing, managed operations, IT infrastructure, network solutions and project management. Acrodex differentiates itself in the marketplace through service excellence, flexibility, business value, and passion for our customer’s success. www.acrodex.com


SHI International Corp.

Founded in 1989, SHI International Corp. is a $6 billion+ global provider of technology products and services. Driven by the industry’s most experienced and stable sales force and backed by software volume licensing experts, hardware procurement specialists, and certified IT services professionals, SHI delivers custom IT solutions to Corporate, Enterprise, Public Sector, and Academic customers.

With over 3,000 employees worldwide, SHI is the largest Minority and Woman Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE) in the U.S. and is ranked 15th among CRN’s Solution Provider 500 list of North American IT solution providers. For more information, visit https://www.SHI.com.