This page and its offer are only for currently active annual subscribers to
and represent a very special offer to our very special customers.
For the rollout of Doxserá® DB, we’ve decided to copy the extraordinarily successful offer made to owners of TheFormTool PRO when Doxserá was initially introduced. More than half of our customers took advantage of that bargain in the 32 days it was open, and a huge majority of them have continued to benefit since.
For current annual subscribers of Doxserá® only
Subscribe now to Doxserá® DB and:
1. Save $89 from the $279 annual subscription that will be effective July 31
2. Save for five years with the guaranteed Charter Owner fixed annual subscription rate of $190
3. Protect against price increases for 5 years. Set pricing now for free. Decide later to pay.
4. Receive free updates, including v2.0 (SQL) on July 31
5. Receive a 13-month initial subscription valid through July 31, 2017
6. Purchase as many licenses as you wish with the same benefits only during this Charter Owner offer
Whether or not Doxserá DB is perfect for you, please know that we appreciate your business and that it is in that spirit we introduce what is to be the new standard for the assembly and automation of intelligent documents.
Fine print: To accept this offer, a customer must own at least one current annual subscription for Doxserá at the time of order, be a customer in good standing, and for the five-year price protection, then maintain the subscription continuously. During the Offer period customers may purchase as many subscriptions as they wish as long as they are purchased in the same online account as the pre-existing subscription.