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TheFormTool’s Complete Family of Document Assembly & Automation Software Uses by Business Segment What Our Customers Say “This changes everything!” Top Tens, A grades, and 5 star reviews Click here for unedited reviews   Aurora integrates powerful web-enabled data capture and a secure dedicated database with the category-defining document assembly and automation capabilities of our…

How to Help Brilliant People Shine in Your Law Firm’s Office

How to Help Brilliant People Shine in Your Firm’s Office Working in any office, there are hundreds of interruptions to distract you every day. The average worker is sidetracked every 3 minutes from the task at hand and checks emails 30 times an hour. That’s a lot of distraction. Then there’s the time spent looking…

Doxserá DB 2.0 is here!

It’s hard to relate to Dox DB on two very different levels. It was tempting to headline this post as “Doxserá DB is complete!” On the one hand, it is. On the other, though, it will never be complete but always improving. We already have a full year’s worth of improvements and enhancements laid out…


128 Customer Reviews5 star4 star3 star2 star1 star In Finance, there is no margin for error, but intelligent document automation can eliminate errors, especially those created when mixing text with numbers, when errors are too easy to create and even easier to overlook. Doxserá and Doxserá DB are especially useful in financial services, where their abilities…


128 Customer Reviews5 star4 star3 star2 star1 star Document Automation for Government If your office is plagued by repetitive paperwork such as recurring reports and requests for proposals, we can help. With modern document automation software, you will experience immediate relief from tight timelines, looming deadlines, short staffing levels, turnover and stress. Reduce the time and effort invested…


128 Customer Reviews5 star4 star3 star2 star1 star Document Automation for Medicine and Medical Services Producing highly accurate documents  can be a tough job in an industry where so many repetitive records are needed and time is so very valuable. From patient guidance sheets to emergency room protocols, document automation is a miracle for medical professionals.…